Užpalių žydų kapinės - Uzpaliai Jewish Cemetery

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Utena District, Utena County

The cemetery was fully digitized in 2014.
We are very grateful to David and Oshrat Moyal, Dganit Toren, Efrat Yakobi Gafni and Meir Yakobi, Fanny Koyman, Jackie Zev, Renee Stary, Rivi and Igor Mikhaylov, who transcribed translated inscriptions.
However, it is not a final version. There are some mistakes that will be corrected soon.

Pilnai suskaitmenintos 2014.
Dėkojame David and Oshrat Moyal, Dganit Toren, Efrat Yakobi Gafni and Meir Yakobi, Fanny Koyman, Jackie Zev, Renee Stary, Rivi and Igor Mikhaylov už vertimus.
Tiesa, antkapinių užrašų vertimai nėra galutiniai. Juose yra klaidų, kurios greitu metu bus ištaisytos.

Mentioned in the list of LJC
Accurate location
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